Tanzania has many resources. Oil, coal, gas, gold, diamonds, forests, etc. In contrast most of the people live in poverty, and hunger and earn less than a dollar/day. The government is corrupt. Greedy government officials swindle money. Most of the policemen, T.R.A(Tanzania Revenue Authority) officials will easily accept bribes. Therefore the government has very little to spend(if there is money in corrupt hands the money will go into the pockets of a few individuals) on roads, buildings, bridges and other infrastructure. The people also play a part in corruption. Sometimes many government officials are persuaded or even forced to accept bribes.In addition, Tanzania has a very high debt of about $7.5 billion which is about 40% of the total expenditures.(www .state.gov/r/pa/ei/bgn/2843.htm)
(check out more corruption scandals:Richmond, BoT etc)

Tanzania has a very low life expectancy(male:49 yrs; Female:51 yrs) This is partly because of diseases such as HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis, Cholera, Malaria etc. These increase the death rate. The most people infected with HIV/AIDS are people between 15 to about 55 years old in the working age. This reduces the workforce bringing the economy down.
I think that if everybody works together to fight diseases, (educating people, fund raising etc)Tanzania will be a better place.
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